


分享以下文章, 期望你我都能確實實行以下要訣唷




*** 57 項柔術白帶訓練要訣 ***


1. 你是個槌子(進攻)還是個釘子(防守)? 巴柔的技術巧妙的藏在於此。別在乎輸贏,而應該是好好的注意自己是處於優勢還是劣勢,並努力加強改善。

Good Jiu-Jitsu technique exists when you’re a hammer (offense) and when you’re a nail (defense). Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you are “losing” or “winning”, in a “bad” position or a “good” one. You should be working on improving those positions.


2. 不要英雄式的崇拜高色帶:應把對手的色帶或聲望擺一邊,好好的運用所學的技巧,取得極佳的位置才是上策。

Don’t hero-worship the Upper Belts. Fight the technique and positions, not the reputation and belt of the person.


3. 一場看似混亂及無重點的動作(例如:纏鬥)還是可以被分解成較容易理解的情況。初學者通常都難以置信纏鬥也是有學問的,竟然還因此而進步。

What seems like a blur of indiscernible action (i.e. a scramble) can be broken down into its component parts once you are able to accurately perceive the situation. It seems hard to believe when you’re first starting but you can become a better scrambler.


4. 在巴柔的習旅中,可能你會覺得你懂得很多很夠了。其實才不!巴柔的技巧永遠學習不完,學無止盡呀!

Throughout your Jiu-Jitsu journey, you will have periods when you think you know what’s going on. You don’t. There will always be more to learn.


5. 把目標擺在「黑帶」,不是藍帶。展望你的短期目標來達成長期目標。

The goal is Black Belt, not Blue Belt. Keep short-term goals in perspective with long-term ones.


6. 每個教練都有他們的優點長處,看不到不代表不存在。如何分辨這個教練是好是壞呢?看看他學生們的成就與表現便知。

Good instructors have a method to their madness. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean its not there. How do you know if an instructor is good? Look at his students and their accomplishments.


7. 學著怎麼從「攻」、「守」位置做三角鎖(Triangle Choke) :例如:手在內?手在外?三角鎖(Triangle Choke)對於初學者來說,是個非常容易混亂的動作,越快學會越好。

Learn a triangle choke from both an offensive and defense standpoint i.e. both arms in or both arms out. Triangles are very confusing for beginners to understand so the sooner you learn them, the better.



Even Street Fighters are susceptible to triangle chokes…


8. 勿忘上圈臂與下圈臂(underhooks and overhooks),這是半防禦中最最最基本的!!!這是半防禦中最最最基本的!!!這是半防禦中最最最基本的!!!(很重要!所以說三次!)

Learn underhooks and overhooks. This is the basis of the half guard.


9. 學著保持在全防禦(Closed Guard)中的身體重心,並打開它:大多數的學生會覺得這真的TMD的無聊,但這是巴柔最重要又最容易被忽略的其中一部分。

Learn how to keep base in the Closed Guard and open it. Most students find this BORING but its one of the most important, most neglected aspects of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


10. 脫逃降服技和壓制位置的幾率非常小。最厲害的脫逃大師遇上實力相當的對手都無法百分之百成功地脫離險境。光靠脫逃,最高的成功機率也不過是510趴。

Escapes from submissions and positions are low %. The best escape artist in the world will not escape 100% of the time against a comparable opponent. With escapes, you’re looking to go from like a 5% chance of escape to a 10% chance.


11. 取得好位置更勝過好的脫逃技:在好的位置,可以做更多的攻擊機會,遠比爆發式的攻擊來的更好。

Being in the right position solves more problems than having good escapes. Being in the right position also creates more offense than exploding.


12. 手伸的越長,越容易被折斷

Extended arms are broken arms.


13. 最佳的脫逃或得分時機就是在對手就定位前:什麼意思呢?在對手「完全」取得壓制位置時,你應該一直不停的堅持、防守脫逃!(了解什麼時候才是「完全」,需要時間與經驗的累積)

The best time to escape or score is before the person settles. This means you should resist until the position change is truly done (understanding when it’s truly done comes with time)


14. 了解IBJJF的計分系統:如此一來,你會更加了解你所熱愛的運動的規則。

Learn the IBJJF Scoring System. You should know the rules of the “sport” you are involved with.


15. 不要害怕發問:大多數的教練都希望學生能保有一個好奇且向學的心。

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Most instructors like the student who is genuinely curious about learning.


16. 具體理解「為什麼」:可能會發覺很多“守則”是相互牴觸的,當你開始進步、尋求答案時,就會了解所有這些規則所隱藏的邏輯與道理。

Understand WHY people do particular things. You’ll hear a lot of ‘rules’, sometimes conflicting, and all these rules have a logic behind them. As you progress, seek to understand why.


17. 別急著自創:最快最有效的進步方式,就是聆聽教練的「秘訣」,之後再添上一些個人色彩也不遲。

Don’t reinvent the wheel (yet)! The fastest easiest way to improve your Jiu-Jitsu is to listen to your coach and learn his “recipe”. You can customize and add your own twists later.



Study outside the classroom but determine who is #1 authority You have to decide if you are going to listen to your coach or the YouTube guy as authority #1. It doesn’t mean that the information is wrong but different “experts” often have different opinions. I recommend your listening to your coach since he works with you live.





19. 高矮胖瘦來者不拒:總是有特高大、極軟Q、超壯碩的訓練夥伴,試著多多跟他們一起練習,習慣與自身身材不同的對手練習也是柔術中相當重要的一環唷!

There is always going to be a SUPER TALL / SUPER FLEXIBLE / SUPER STRONG guy that you have to deal with. Train with him a lot. Learning to deal with different body types is part of Jiu-Jitsu.


20. 每個班級總是有特別糟糕的學生,但我們也可以從中學習。千萬不可有優越感,因為大家的學習起點不同,或許再過幾年,這個糟糕的學生就可以重重的壓制你也說不定。

There is always going to be a SUPER BAD student. You can learn from him / her too. Don’t get a superiority complex because we all start in different places and this same student could be smashing you in a few years.


21. 習慣作筆記:這不是要你去回想,而是訓練反思。將柔術文字化非常不容易,也迫使自己以不同的方式來思考柔術。

Keep a notebook. This is not for recall but reflection. Putting Jiu-Jitsu into words is so difficult that it will force you to really think about Jiu-Jitsu in a different way.


22. 體能鍛煉讓你訓練時頭腦更清晰,更專注,持續力更好。因此,好好保持身體健康,柔術才能更加精進。

Physical conditioning will allow you to train in a clearer state of mind. You’ll be able to focus more on the moment at hand rather than combating fatigue. Therefore, anything you do to keep your body healthy will help your Jiu-Jitsu.


23. 技術、概念、成就靠的是努力不懈的練習,不是隨隨便便就可達成的。三分天注定,七分靠努力。愛拼才會贏

Some practices are nose-to-the-grindstone bangers and others are all technique and concepts. Don’t think you can skimp on either.


24. 比賽讓你學更多:不論是心智、或是身理都能在準備比賽中學習得更多。在全心投入比賽準備的同時,無形中的進步是倍增的。

Competing will teach you a lot about your Jiu-Jitsu, your mindset, and your physical preparation. People who dedicate themselves to competing regularly usually improve more quickly.


25. 永遠不會有最佳參賽的時機,你永遠會很忙很忙,可能有些受傷,金錢上有其他的打算等其他問題。

There will never be a perfect time to compete. You’ll always be busy, slightly injured, have smarter things to do with your money, etc.



Competing… what’s the worst that could happen?


26. 常常會痠痛,但會消失,除非你每次感到痠痛就馬上休息不練。

You’re going to be sore. It goes away but not if you take a break every time it happens.


27. 持續訓練:一開始不要每天都瘋狂一頭栽進柔術。大部分的初學者只需要有持續地練習就足夠了。還記得在學柔術之前的嗜好嗎?如果你停止的太突然,你會付出代價的

Train consistently. A steady routine is better for most beginners than going all in from the start. Remember you have been used to spending that time doing other activities so if all of a sudden you start spending that time doing other shit, you’re going to have a reckoning coming soon.


28. 假如你每次對練的態度都像自己在比世界冠軍決賽一樣,或是對方拍了却不放手。以後就不會再有人願意和你練習。假設有,是因為他們想要教訓你。我(原作者)發現很多有此問題的人,通常在對練的時候都很緊繃,純粹是因為他們缺乏了放鬆的能力,不是有虐待狂的傾向。

If you roll like it’s the finals of the Worlds every time or hold submission holds too long, you are going to run out of training partners real quick AND the only people who will roll with you are people who want to teach you a lesson. I’ve generally found people who do this are usually very nervous when they roll and it’s a matter of a lack of ability to relax rather than some sort of sadism which leads to…


29. 放輕鬆:放輕鬆的好處能讓你不至於氣喘吁吁,另一方面,用身體去感覺對手的一動一靜,再慢慢的將其一一分解擊破。

RELAX. The benefit of being able to relax goes beyond not getting winded. You need to relax in order to perceive what is going on around you and break it down afterwards.


30. 每天學習一點點,假使你每天都沉迷於大量的學習,那麼就甚麼也學不到了。

Learn a little bit each day. If you get fixated on learning everything, you won’t learn anything.


31. 細節雖然很重要,但先著眼於大觀。在調整細微動作前,通常先要學會大致完整的動作。假如你老是在想著該抓哪隻手才能做木村鎖,管他的! 先抓到手再想其他的細節。

The details are important but focus on the big things first. You often need to learn gross body movements before small ones. If you have to think about which wrist to grab with which hand for a Kimura, get that first and add in the details later.


32. 從基本學起:例如上四方的逃脫不是多花俏,但對於白帶到黑帶都是非常必須熟知的技巧,基礎的技術早晚都要學會,不如現在就好好的開始學習習慣吧!

Learn the Fundamentals. Techniques like mount escapes are not very glamorous but will be necessary from White Belt until Black Belt. You’re going to have to learn the fundamentals sooner or later so you might as well make it sooner.


33. 道館外的平日生活習慣,與道館內的進度也是息息相關的,早睡早起,營造一個健康的生活習慣吧!

What you’re doing outside the Academy plays as much of a role in your progress as what happens inside it. Live a healthy lifestyle.


34. 假如有個動作或技巧對你來說很難很難,那麼有可能是你做錯了唷!

If a movement or technique feels too hard, you’re probably doing it wrong.


35. 選對道館讓你上天堂:第一、先要確認教練知道自己在講什麼(可以先觀察他們的學生,不是教練本身的比賽成績)。第二、親自拜訪道館,看看道館的氛圍是不是適合自己。

Find the Right Academy. First thing, make sure the teacher actually knows what he is talking about (do a little research on his students – not his own credentials). Secondly, visit the school to see if the atmosphere is what you’re looking for.


36. 動作對練時不要反抗對方,不論是你還是你的伙伴,都需要先把動作做會做熟,才能再添加些阻力。

Don’t resist moves in drilling. You and your partner need to learn the moves before you can add resistance.


37. 千萬不要相信有哪個動作在你身上是不管用的,那只是因為另外一個白帶在你身上做不到而已。有各例子,大隻佬通常不怎麼看得起三角鎖,因為沒有人夠大隻,或者沒有人技巧夠好,所以沒人鎖的了他們。但假如遇到的是一個身材相當,技術又好的對手呢?保證讓大隻佬大開眼界啊!

Never believe a move won’t work on you just because another White Belt can’t do it on you. For example, big guys often don’t respect triangles because they don’t have a person large enough & technical enough to do it on them. When they finally meet that technical big guy, its an eye-opener.


38. 道服與無道服相得益彰:假如你的志向是當個出色的寢技選手,你也應該兩者都練,因為這兩者都是在學習怎麼去操縱、控制自己與對手的身體。

Gi and No Gi complement each other. If your goal is to be a better grappler, you should do both. Its all about learning how to manipulate the human body (yours and your opponent’s)


39. 多看看新技巧:不是所有的技巧都會百分之百的進入你的智囊庫,但是它們還是非常有價值。

Not everything you learn or every technique you practice has to be 100% directly applicable in order to be valuable.


40. 白帶的比賽與藍帶的比賽大不相同;藍帶比賽時跟紫帶大不相同;紫帶比賽時又與咖啡帶大不相同。只因為有些東西在某色帶上看不見,不代表就沒作用。相反的,在這色帶上用的技巧,帶到高色帶中不見得就能繼續有效使用。

White Belt matches look different than Blue Belt matches. Blue Belt matches look different than Purple Belt matches. Brown Belt matches look different than Purple Belt. Etc. Just because you don’t see something happen at one belt doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Conversely, just because something works at the lower levels doesn’t mean it will continue working at the higher levels.


41. 在白帶時別一直在風格上做琢磨,而應該是基於這個風格,學著怎麼去做。

Don’t make stylistic choices at White Belt. Do what works and create your style based on that.


42. 知道很多柔術的東西不代表就真的會做,我(原作者)記得,一個SAULO RIBEIRO的訪問中,他說他可以在幾個月內傳授某人所有他所知道的柔術技巧與知識,但那個人可能還是沒辦法做得到。所以說,千萬不要變成這樣的人呀!

Knowing a lot of Jiu-Jitsu doesn’t mean you can do it. I remember an old interview with Saulo Ribeiro where he said he could teach someone all the Jiu-Jitsu he knew in a few months but that the person wouldn’t be able to do it. Don’t be that guy.


43. 學習摔法:在升上高色帶中有卓越的助益,特別是在比賽中。

Learn takedowns. It will help especially at the higher belt levels and especially in competitions.


44. 學習柔術,不只是去學怎麽防禦它。

Learn Jiu-Jitsu. Not just how to defend against it.


45. 在學習新的技巧時難免會笨手笨腳的,這是很正常的。在姿勢練習中,慢慢的做對動作、再慢慢的增加速度。

You’re going to be clumsy executing new technique. That’s normal. Getting the technique correct at faster and faster speeds is what drilling is for.


46. 嘗試:努力與技巧不是敵人,任何人在沒有壓力、慢速中都可以使出華麗的招術。那些華麗的招式在分秒取勝中、對抗強勁的對手時又是另外一回事了。

Try. Effort and technique are not enemies. Anyone can have beautiful technique in non-stressful slow-moving situations. Beautiful technique when you have only a split second against a strong opponent is a different story.


47. 在學習柔術幾個月後,你會發現自己開始有"最擅長的"技巧組合,和"還可以的"技巧組合。但不用太過於擔心,因爲初學期所有的技巧組合都是"還可以的"。

After a few months of training, you’ll have an “A” game and a “B” game. But don’t worry about that in the beginning when everything is “B”.


48. 想要真的進步,那更要同時加強自身的優點&缺點。與高色帶的夥伴練習時,多多利用優點;與較弱的夥伴練習時,試著增進自己的弱點。跟比自己較弱的夥伴練習時,用不著急著使出大絕招。

To truly improve, you have to improve your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Your strengths have to work against upper belts and your weaknesses against lower ones. Don’t use your best stuff against people who are worse than you.


49. 需要投降的時就投降:假如抵抗得太久就可能會受傷,那就怪不了別人了,怪你自己吧!

Tap if you need to. If you resist too long and you get injured, that’s your fault.


50. 黑帶就是不肯放棄的白帶:這是老生常談了,但真的要好好記住這點,每個人都是從被降伏中開始學習。

A Black Belt is a White Belt who Never Quit. This is cliche but still important to remember. Everyone starts by getting tapped out.


51. 學好巴柔的位置:把每個位置的名稱與姿勢搞清楚、弄明白。在對練中,也能夠冷靜的判斷自己進入了哪些姿勢。只有在了解這些姿勢時,才能發掘自己的弱點時,才能進一步修正它。

Recognize positions. Do some research on what the names for various body positions are and be calm enough in training to recognize when these positions occur. Once you identify your weak areas, you’ll be able to fix them. But you need to recognize them first!


52. 不要去算被降伏了幾次,這只會大大大大大大大大打擊信心而已。

Don’t keep a tap count. It’s a REALLY good way to get discouraged quickly.


53. 放下自尊,保持謙虛學習的心:專注在未來的發展,即使你被降伏了,或者總是處在弱勢,但不代表你不盡力。

Leave your ego at the door means keeping a learning attitude. It means focusing on future development even if it means you get submitted or lose positions here and there. It does not mean don’t try to win.



Save the celebrating for the tournaments…


54. 別過早炫耀或慶祝你降伏了別人,因爲別人也曾經這樣慶祝降服了你過,己所不欲,勿施於人

Don’t brag or celebrate about tapping someone. Act like you’ve been there before!


55. 不要去在乎色帶,專注你的技巧:話題一直繞著色帶,只會讓你的教練覺得你很討厭!!!

Don’t worry about belts. Worry about skill development. Constantly talking about belts is a good way for your instructor to think you’re a douche.


56. 在世界冠軍中,我(原作者)知道有些身材矮胖結實的選手喜歡拉蜘蛛防禦,有些高瘦細長的選手喜歡玩深防禦。別讓身體的條件限制了你的學習。

I know World Champions who are short and stocky that play Spider Guard and tall lanky ones that play Deep Half. Don’t limit yourself by your body type before you actually try to learn the system.



Save the coaching and teaching for Upper Belts.




    柔術 運動 白帶

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